On behalf of the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) and Health Canada, thank you for your organization’s participation in the National cross-sectional survey of health workers perceptions of COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness, acceptance, and drivers of vaccine decision making, a first of its kind research evaluating the real-world COVID-19 vaccine uptake and performance among health workers.
With your help, we were able to achieve a large and highly representative national sample of health care professionals (HCPs), allied health workers (ALHWs) and auxiliary health workers (AUHWs) in Canada.
The final report of the survey has been published and are available on the Library and Archives Canada website at the following links:
English : http://epe.bac-lac.gc.ca/100/200/301/pwgsc-tpsgc/por-ef/public_health_agency_canada/2023/127-22-e/index.html
Français : http://epe.bac-lac.gc.ca/100/200/301/pwgsc-tpsgc/por-ef/public_health_agency_canada/2023/127-22-f/index.html