AOHNA/UNB Light the Lamp Winner 2017 – Regina Harty

Together with Educational Sponsor, University of New Brunswick, the Alberta Occupational Health Nurses’ Association (AOHNA) presented their 2017 “Light the Lamp” social media campaign award at their Annual Education Day and Symposium in May.

The winning video was submitted by Regina Harty, New Brunswick, who flew out to attend the symposium and accept her award. Watch her winning video at:

The “Light the Lamp” social media campaign is intended to increase public awareness and knowledge about the role and value of occupational health specialty nursing practice.  The association encourages nurses to submit videos for judging and recognition of their contribution to occupational health that showcases the unique skills and abilities of occupational health nurses and the unique settings in which they work. This campaign also provides the opportunity for nurses to develop and enhance their skills and abilities working with new and evolving technology that will expand their capacity in the workplace.

Congratulations Regina!