Final report: National cross-sectional survey of health workers perceptions of COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness, acceptance, and drivers of vaccine decision making

On behalf of the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) and Health Canada, thank you for your organization’s participation in the National cross-sectional survey of health workers perceptions of COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness, acceptance, and drivers of vaccine decision making, a first of its kind research evaluating the real-world COVID-19 vaccine uptake and performance among health workers.

With your help, we were able to achieve a large and highly representative national sample of health care professionals (HCPs), allied health workers (ALHWs) and auxiliary health workers (AUHWs) in Canada.

The final report of the survey has been published and are available on the Library and Archives Canada website at the following links:


Français :

WorkSafe BC Research Grant Opportunity Now Open – Analytical sampling methods for substances with an ACGIH TLV

WorkSafeBC supports research that makes a difference in the workplace. We are pleased to announce a new grant opportunity is now open to qualified researchers who are interested in conducting research related to improving workplace health and safety.

Specific Priorities
Applications due: July 12, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. PDT.
Open to qualified researchers at universities or research institutions in Canada and internationally.

WorkSafeBC is currently seeking research on the following topic:
Analytical sampling methods for substances with an ACGIH TLV
Please see the Request for Proposals for more information.

We can help!

Visit our website to learn more and apply today. We encourage applicants to reach out to Research Services by email at with any questions about the application process or to discuss research ideas.

Please feel free to share this information with your networks and encourage them to apply.

Call for Nominations for COHNA-ACIIST Vice President

Re:                   Call for Nominations
Position:         Vice President

The COHNA-ACIIST Vice President position comes open in January 2025 and we are seeking nominations for this position.

The Vice-President position is a two-year term after which they shall be appointed to the position of President for a two-year term. Following the term as President, they shall be appointed to the position of Past President for a two-year term.

To be eligible for an Officer position, nominees are elected from the provincial membership. Previous Board experience is not required but is considered an asset. The eligibility criteria in the 2019 Bylaws states:


Directors shall:

  • be an individual who is not less than eighteen years of age;
  • be a Member of their Provincial or Territorial Association, group, or organization for a minimum of two (2) years as a member in good standing;
  • not be an employee or representative of a company whose primary business would directly profit from being on the Board;
  • not be a contractor of the Association; and
  • not be a person who has been found by a court in Canada or elsewhere to be mentally incompetent, who has the status of a bankrupt, or who is an “ineligible individual” as defined in the Income Tax Act.4.03

Nominations will be accepted until June 14, 2024, with the election taking place on that day at our Annual General Meeting. Thank-you for the continued commitment and time you give to COHNA-ACIIST and our profession.

Help CNA update the Code of Ethics

The Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) is embarking on a pivotal project to update the nursing Code of Ethics and we are looking for nursing professionals like you to participate.

Two ways to participate:

1. Sign up for one of the focus groups listed below. You will get the chance to share your hopes and discuss ethical dilemmas you foresee or have encountered in your practice. Each online session will examine an area that needs specific consultation. Please note that space for each group is limited, so we recommend that you register early:

2. Take our online survey, which will be available soon. The survey will be better suited for regulated nurses who wish to provide general feedback on the Code.

You are welcome to join a focus group and take the survey — or just one activity. We appreciate you sharing your time and expertise. Nursing students and retired nurses are encouraged to participate!


The Code of Ethics, last updated in 2017, serves as both an aspirational guide and a regulatory framework for nurses across Canada. In recognition of the rapid evolution of the health-care landscape and societal norms, there is a pressing need to review and update the Code. This revision aims to reflect the current context and guide nurses to provide ethical practice in relation to emerging dynamics within the Canadian health-care system and society at large.

The focus group will highlight pressing issues including, but not limited to, the following: Indigenous experiences in health care, anti-racism and anti-oppression approaches in care delivery, and the ethical challenges associated with epidemic/pandemic/endemic situations and digital health care. Together, we can ensure the Code of Ethics remains a relevant and guiding light for all nurses in Canada.

CNA has collaborated with the consulting firm Sense and Nous on this important work. If you choose to participate, you may receive communications and updates from them.

As a respected nurse in the profession, your insights and experiences will be crucial to shaping the future of ethical nursing practice in Canada. Please register today.


Chief Executive Officer

PS: Your experiences, insights, and vision are crucial to this journey. We look forward to your participation and the positive impact it will have on ethical nursing practices and health care in Canada.

Shingles Awareness Week February 26 – March 1

The third annual Shingles Awareness Week will be held February 26–March 1. The week was established to raise awareness about the risks of shingles (zoster). About one out of every three unvaccinated people in the United States will develop shingles in their lifetime. CDC recommends two doses of recombinant zoster vaccine (Shingrix, GSK) to prevent shingles and related complications in adults age 50 and older. Shingrix is also recommended for adults 19 years and older who have weakened immune systems because of disease or treatments that affect the immune system.

The Association of Immunization Managers (AIM) offers three social media messages to promote shingles awareness for social media platforms. The images can be customized with your organization’s logo. If you have any questions, please contact AIM.

Why employers should consider a Certified Occupational Health Nurse COHN(C) for their company

What is Occupational Health?
Occupational Health is a service that assists employers to understand how an employee’s health is affected by the workplace environment.

What are examples of Occupational Health Nurse’s Services?
There are many services that you can offer to your employees. These include but are not limited to Well-being programs, compliance with worker’s compensation and safety regulations, carrying out health surveillance duties, disability management, and return to work planning and maintenance.

Can a COHN(C) help manage absences?
Yes, we can support employees who are off on leave and facilitate early and safe return to work.

Can an employer be taken to an employment tribunal over Occupational Health issues?
Occupational Health isn’t a legal requirement, however, not keeping your employees safe from harm can lead to claims being raised against employers. A COHN(C) can offer both quality and expert advice on Occupational Health matters, which will ensure that your employees are supported in the best way possible.


Career Conversations – BC Public Service

Current and prospective job seekers are invited to attend a special virtual Career Conversation on Feb 21 (noon to 1pm PT) and hear from current Occupational Health Nurses, ask questions about the role and strengthen their application.

Career Conversations are one-hour presentations focusing on connecting applicants with information on careers in the BC Public Service and enhancing application skills.

A career as an Occupational Health Nurse with the BC Public Service offers an exceptional opportunity to undertake a variety of challenging and rewarding roles, while supporting a healthy work/life balance. Explore the opportunities and value working with the team can offer: Explore Careers with Workplace Health and Safety: Occupational Health Nurses – YouTube and Careers in Workplace Health and Safety (

Our Eventbrite page is now live, and it is our hope that you would share this event with any interested future and current occupational health nursing professionals.

Registration is free and the event will be presented via MS Teams. Please see our Eventbrite page for more information and registration details:

We look forward to seeing you.

Click here to view and download the poster to share with your network.