We are sharing a number of new and updated resources that are now available on our website (Canada.ca) as well as federal partner websites for the public and health professionals. Your organization may be interested in the following:
Antimicrobial Resistance
- Fact sheet: What you need to know about antimicrobial medications like antibiotics
- Poster: What you should know about antimicrobial medications like antibiotics
- Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada, Vol 45, No 1, January 2025
Disease Updates
Health Promotion and Consumer Safety
- Public Health Notice: Outbreak of Salmonella infections linked to mini pastries
- Healthy Canadians podcast: Toy safety story
Mental Health
- Get Help Here: Mental health support
- Posttraumatic stress disorder’s impact on Canada’s workforce
- Suicide, self-harm, and suicide-related behaviours in Canada
Substance Use
Travel Updates
We will be highlighting our new materials and messaging across our social platforms (below), and encourage you to share and amplify within your networks as appropriate.
Email address: engagement@phac-aspc.gc.ca